Tuesday, June 21, 2011


My name is Gay Morgan Moore. I am a Registered Nurse with an American Nurses Credentialing Company Certification in Adult Mental Health Nursing. I am also a retired licensed substance abuse counselor with over 25 years of experience in substance abuse nursing and counseling. I maintained a private general counseling practice for number of years while teaching clinical psychiatric nursing and counseling.

I tell you all of this to let you know my qualifications for speaking out on the generally deplorable state of mental health care in the United States. If you believe that medical health care needs reform, you should learn about the problems experienced by those who require mental health care, as well as their families as they seek to navigate the mental health system on their behalf.  This is the topic of my Blog.

It is my intention to research, conduct interviews, and comment on the problem of obtaining quality, effective mental health care in the United States and, hopefully, to share solutions.

 My trial blog will concern the challenges experienced by the four generations of health care providers currently working in the field. However, all following blogs will concern mental health care.

I look forward to your comments.

Welcome to My Blog

I created this blog in order to shed some light on the current state of mental health care in the United States, what works as well as what is not working.